Cowboy Beans Recipe with Bush’s Baked Beans

The cowboy beans recipe has high protein, fiber, and other nutrients. The cowboy beans recipe with Bush’s baked beans contains Bush’s Original Baked Beans, ground beef or bacon, chopped onion, pepper, barbecue sauce, brown sugar, and salt. That perfect recipe is so healthy. You can prepare this healthy recipe for your guests, family, and friends.

How To Make Cowboy Beans Recipe with Bush’s Baked Beans

how to make cowboy beans recipe

You can use Bush’s Original Baked Beans when cooking cowboy beans. Bush’s original baked beans are high in protein and healthy. So you can choose this brand for preparing cowboy bean recipes.


1-)Bush’s Original Baked Beans

Bush’s original baked beans are very preferred for cooking. It’s healthy and is high in protein. You can buy it anywhere and use 2 boxes.

2-)Ground Beef or Bacon

Ground beef or bacon is the one of main ingredients for cowboy beans recipe with Bush’s baked beans. Prepare ground beef.

3-)Chopped Bell Pepper and Onion

Chop 1 onion and 1 bell pepper on a cutting board. Prepare these ingredients for an awesome taste.

4-)Barbecue Sauce

Prepare 1/2 cup barbecue sauce.

5-)Brown Sugar

Prepare 1/4-1/2 cup Brown sugar. Brown sugar contains slightly more minerals than white sugar so we use brown sugar.

6-)Mustard and Ketchup

Prepare 1 cup of mustard and ketchup.

7-)Salt and Pepper

Prepare salt and pepper to taste.


1-)Cook Ground Beef/Bacon

Place the bacon or ground beef in the pan. Start cooking over medium-high heat. Cook for 10-12 minutes. You can turn off the stove after both sides are fried.

2-)Add Chopped Onion and Pepper

Add chopped onion and pepper to the pan. Cook these ingredients with bacon/ground beef until the vegetables are softened.

3-)Combine Mixture with Bush’s Baked Beans

Time to combine the mixture with Bush’s baked beans. Prepare the large mixing bowl. You can combine that mixture with Bush’s baked beans in a large mixing bowl.

4-)Time to Add Barbecue Sauce and Other Ingredients

After mixing bacon and Bush’s baked beans, time to add barbecue sauce, brown sugar, mustard, ketchup, salt, and pepper. Combine these materials until all ingredients are mixed well.

5-)Baking Time

Bake this cowboy beans recipe mixture for 45-60 minutes. After the beans are bubbling and the flavors have melded together, turn off the oven. (notes: if you can preheat oven, cooking time may be reduced)

6-)Serve That Perfect Recipe

Time to serve and enjoy your awesome meal. You can serve cowboy beans recipe with bush’s baked beans with sauces and garnitures. You can enjoy it as a main dish or as a side dish whatever.

Cowboy beans made with bacon, onion, peppers, brown sugar, ground beef, baked beans and barbecue sauce. It involves all of these.

Cooked Cowboy Beans' calories depend on the size of the ingredients. An average serving is 190-200 calories.

Experience with Cowboy Beans Recipe with Bush’s Baked Beans

Cowboy beans are so flavorful, healthy, and hearty. So especially if you’re trying to control getting calories, you should make this perfect recipe. You can prepare easily and serve for your guests or family.

Cowboy Beans Recipe Serving Suggestions

cowboy beans recipe serving suggestions

Cowboy beans can be served in various ways. You can choose what you like at the following tips.

1-)Serve As a Side Dish

You can serve cowboy beans as a side dish. Serve cowboy beans with grilled meats such as steak, or barbecue chicken. Also if you like sandwich and burger, you can serve it with these.

2-)Serve with Cornbread

If you like to eat cornbread, you can serve cowboy beans with cornbread. Flavor harmony will be perfect with cornbread.

3-)Pour Over The Rice

The cowboy bean recipe is very hearty. So you can serve this perfect recipe by pouring over the rice or mashed potatoes.

4-)Fill in Burrito or Taco

You can use it as a filling for burritos or tacos. The cowboy bean recipe will taste great in burritos or tacos.

5-)Serve for Breakfast

You can serve the cowboy beans recipe with boiled eggs for breakfast. Even though it sounds strange, you will love it when you try it.

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